Tag Archives: conspiracy theories

Media’s Double Standards on Conspiracy Theories #NotNormal

After several months of pushing the “Russiagate” conspiracy theory – a wild-eyed, all-encompassing but somewhat nebulous narrative involving U.S. President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, WikiLeaks, the Russian mob, assassinations and certain indiscretions with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel – the U.S. mainstream media is now reverting to its traditional role of downplaying conspiracy […]

50 years later, JFK cover stories abound

Let’s just say it off the bat. Elements of the U.S. defense and intelligence community conspired to assassinate President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. A straightforward examination of the facts surrounding the slaying, the cover-up (including the botched autopsy, the murder of patsy Lee Harvey Oswald, the fictitious Warren Commission report, etc.), as […]